Installation and configuration¶
Prerequisite |
Version |
Python with setuptools and pip |
3 [1] |
PostgreSQL + PostGIS + TimescaleDB |
1.9 [2] |
[1] Enhydris runs on Python 3.9 or later. It does not run on Python 2. setuptools and pip are needed in order to install the rest of the Python modules.
[2] In theory, installing the prerequisites with pip will also install gdal. However it can be tricky to install and it’s usually easier to install a prepackaged version for your operating system.
Install Enhydris¶
Install Enhydris by cloning it and then installing the requirements
specified in requirements.txt
, probably in a virtualenv:
git clone
git checkout 3.0
virtualenv --system-site-packages --python=/usr/bin/python3 \
./enhydris/venv/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt
./enhydris/venv/bin/pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
Configure Enhydris¶
Create a Django settings file, either in
, or wherever you like. It
should begin with this:
from enhydris_project.settings.development import *
and then it should go on to override DEBUG
. More settings you may want to
override are the Django settings and the Enhydris
On production you need to import from enhydris_project.settings
Create a spatially enabled database¶
(In the following examples, we use enhydris_db
as the database
name, and enhydris_user
as the PostgreSQL username. The user
should not be a super user, and not be allowed to create more users.
In production, it should not be allowed to create databases; in
testing, it should be allowed, in order to be able to run the unit
Here is a Debian buster example:
# Install PostgreSQL and PostGIS
apt install postgis postgresql-11-postgis-2.5
# Install TimescaleDB (you need to add repositories in /etc/apt as
# explained in the TimescaleDB installation documentation)
apt install timescaledb-postgresql-11
# Create database template
sudo -u postgres -s
createdb template_postgis
psql -d template_postgis -c "CREATE EXTENSION postgis;"
psql -d template_postgis -c \
"UPDATE pg_database SET datistemplate='true' \
WHERE datname='template_postgis';"
# Create database
sudo -u postgres -s
createuser --pwprompt enhydris_user
createdb --template template_postgis --owner enhydris_user enhydris_db
# Note: We don't need to install the timescaledb extension; the
Django migrations of Enhydris will do so automatically.
Here is a Windows example, assuming PostgreSQL is installed at the default location:
cd C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\11\bin
createdb template_postgis
psql -d template_postgis -c "CREATE EXTENSION postgis;"
psql -d template_postgis -c "UPDATE pg_database SET datistemplate='true'
WHERE datname='template_postgis';"
createuser -U postgres --pwprompt enhydris_user
createdb --template template_postgis --owner enhydris_user enhydris_db
At some point, these commands will ask you for the password of the operating system user.
Initialize the database¶
In order to initialize your database and create the necessary database tables for Enhydris to run, run the following commands inside the Enhydris configuration directory:
python migrate
python createsuperuser
The above commands will also ask you to create a Enhydris superuser.
Start Django and Celery¶
Inside the Enhydris configuration directory, run the following command:
python runserver
The above command will start the Django development server and set it to listen to port 8000.
In addition, run the following to start Celery:
celery worker -A enhydris -l info --concurrency=1
Set the domain name¶
You must setup the Django sites framework. Visit Enhydris through your
browser, login as a superuser, go to the dashboard, and under “Sites”
add a site (i.e. a domain) (or, if a site such as
already there, replace it). After that, make sure SITE_ID
in the
settings has the appropriate id.
- There are several reasons this needs to be done:
Some generated links, such as links in emails to users for registration confirmation, may contain the domain.
Users will not be able to log on unless registered with the domain, and stations will only show if registered with the domain. For more information about this, see Managing domains.
If you modify an existing site (e.g. if you change
something else), most likely you need to restart the Enhydris server for
the changes to take effect.
To use Enhydris in production, you need to setup a web server such as apache. This is described in detail in Deploying Django and in
You also need to start celery as a service.
Managing domains¶
Enhydris has functionality to power many sites (i.e. domains) from a single database. For this, it uses the Django sites framework.
Each station has a sites
attribute (a Django ManyToManyField
with the sites in which the station should show. Normally this attribute
is handled automatically and need not be touched, and in fact the
relevant field does not normally show in the station edit form. When a
station is added to the system, it is automatically added to the current
site (i.e. the one specified with SITE_ID
). In most cases, this is
Sometimes we want a single database to power two sites, for example, (id=1) and (id=2). There are therefore
two Enhydris instances, each with a different SITE_ID
, and each
instance filters out stations that are not registered with that
particular site (i.e. stations whose sites
attribute does not
contain the site of the Enhydris instance). In this case, when a station
is created, it is automatically added only to the site of the Enhydris
instance being used. Superusers, however, can add and remove existing
stations to/from sites. This is done in the station form, which shows a
“Sites” field—however the field is shown only for superusers, only when
editing (not creating) a station, and only if there are at least two
sites registered with the Django Sites framework.
can modify this
behaviour. In fact, when I said above that new stations are
automatically added only to the site of the Enhydris instance being
used, I was lying. The truth is that when a user uses and
creates a station, that station is indeed only added to
But when a user uses and adds a station, that station
is added to both and In order to
achieve this, these are the relevant settings for
ENHYDRIS_SITES_FOR_NEW_STATIONS = set() # Redundant; it's the default
And these are for
This usage of the sites framework affects not only stations but also users and logins. When a user is created, he is automatically added to a group whose name is the domain name of the current site (the group is created if it does not exist). Enhydris only allows a user to logon if he is a member of that group. Thus, the superuser can decide which users can log on to which sites.
In the Django admin, when a normal user lists stations, only stations of the current site are listed. However, when a superuser lists stations, all stations are listed, and there is a list filter to only show those of a site.
Settings reference¶
These are the settings available to Enhydris, in addition to the Django settings.
Authentication settings¶
, users must be logged on to do anything, such as view a list of stations. All API views except for login will return 401, and all non-API views except for login will redirect to the login page. In that case,enhydris.models.Timeseries.publicly_available
will obviously not have any effect.REGISTRATION_OPEN
will also not work (because the registration page will also redirect to the login page), but it should be kept atFalse
.The default for
, users can register, otherwise they have to be created by the administrator. The default isFalse
.(This setting is defined by
If set to
, it enables all logged in users to add stations to the site, and edit the data of the stations they have entered. When set toFalse
(the default), only privileged users are allowed to add/edit/remove data from the db.See also
Time series have a
attribute which specifies whether anonymous users can download the time series data. If the attribute isFalse
, only logged on users have this permission (and, again, this depends onENHYDRIS_ENABLE_TIMESERIES_DATA_VIEWERS
). The setting specifies the default value for the attribute, that is, whether by default the related checkbox in the form is checked or not. The default for the setting isTrue
, but it is recommended to explicitly set it.
If this is
(the default), all logged on users have permission to download the time series data for all time series (for anonymous users there’s aenhydris.models.Timeseries.publicly_available
attribute for each individual time series; see alsoENHYDRIS_DEFAULT_PUBLICLY_AVAILABLE
). Note that if you want all logged on users to have such permission, but the general public not to, you must also make sure thatREGISTRATION_OPEN
, logged on users can only view time series data for which they have specifically been given permission. By default, only the station owner and maintainers have such access, but they can specify which other users also have access. Permission to view time series data applies to all time series of a station. Individual time series can again be marked as publicly available.
Map settings¶
A dictionary of JavaScript definitions of base layers to use on the map. The default is:
{ "Open Street Map": r''' L.tileLayer("https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png", { attribution: ( 'Map data © <a href="">' + 'OpenStreetMap</a> contributors, ' + '<a href="">CC-BY-SA</a>' ), maxZoom: 18, }) ''', "Open Cycle Map": r''' L.tileLayer("https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png", { attribution: ( 'Map data © <a href="">' + 'OpenStreetMap</a> contributors, ' + '<a href="">CC-BY-SA</a>' ), maxZoom: 18, }) ''' }
The name of the base layer that is visible by default; it must be a key in
. The default is “Open Street Map”.
Set a value in degrees. When a geographical query has a bounding box with dimensions less than
, the map initially shown will be zoomed so that its dimension will be at leastENHYDRIS_MAP_MIN_VIEWPORT_SIZE²
. Useful when showing a single entity, such as a hydrometeorological station. Default value is 0.04, corresponding to an area approximately 4×4 km.
A tuple containing the default viewport for the map in geographical coordinates, in cases of geographical queries that do not return anything. Format is (minlon, minlat, maxlon, maxlat) where lon and lat is in decimal degrees, positive for north/east, negative for west/south.
Miscellaneous settings¶
A set of site (i.e. domain) ids of the Django sites framework. The default is an empty set. It specifies to which sites (apart from the current site) new stations will automatically be added to. New stations are always added to the current site, regardless this setting.
For more information, see Managing domains.
Number of stations per page for the pagination of the station list. The default is 100.
If this is
(the default), celery will email theADMINS
whenever an exception occurs, like Django does by default.